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Saturday, 6 July 2019

Mouse Winery Part 1 - Find à barrel and some grapes, make wine

Mice like wine too! These little ones salvaged a discarded wine barrel and created their own winery, called The Grey Mouse.

The shell is foam-core, a wall was added to the back so furniture could be placed against it, as well as to lighten the space. Adding windows helped too.

Cindy made the wine barrels using instructions from an article in Dollhouse Miniatures by Jan Yinger.

Then comes the landscaping. After sculpting the pink foam insulation as desired, a layer of paper towel was glued to the surface. The foam is easily damaged on the edges and the inside pink shows through, so this layer of paper and glue strengthens the area. Then green paint is applied. After that comes some sawdust with green paint and glue, using various colourations and hues. Bits and pieces of moss and other greenery can be used as well.

Friday, 5 July 2019

Grocery Store Part 1 - Printie magic

Cindy got some display trays from Joanne’s shop in the States. She turned them on their sides and glued them to a base to form the start of our general store. She made the floor from foam core, scoring the wood planks and painting. The post office was placed on a platform. The cash register is a pencil sharpener, perfect in this location.

We soon found this project is almost as suited to depleting stash items as a garage sale, attic or antique store!
And how many printies does it take to fill shelves? Plenty!